About Kids Zone Nurseries
Kids Zone Nurseries is a nursery group based in Tameside and Bury area. Our nurseries are built with the care and development of children as highest priority, to a modern bright and inspiring day nursery. Our nurseries are sure to be the right choice for you and your child.
Our Nurseries offer excellent facilities. Each room creates an environment that has been designed with a focus on the unique needs of children.
There are a number of additional features that enhance our nursery facilities including a Sensory Theatre and a large indoor adventure play area, designed especially for our older children and not forgetting our babies and toddler’s, we have a purpose designed soft play area.
To compliment our facilities we also have an imaginative toy town, where our children’s imagination have no boundaries, an area for parents to relax and have refreshments while visiting, and ample parking and drop-off zones.
Our Facilities
• Age Specific Rooms
• Babies & Toddlers Indoor soft Play Area
• Sensory Theatre
• Indoor Adventure Play Area
• Unique Indoor Toy Town
• Exciting Stimulating Room Layouts
• Outdoor Soft Play Area
• Social Dining Room
• Specialized P.E Sessions
• Specialized Dance & Music Classes
• Full Biometric security system
• CCTV Security
• Photo Imaging Security
We take your childs security very seriously. We have invested in the latest technology to ensure that we offer the best and safest environment for our children.
All our nurseries have CCTV cameras monitoring our rooms and external areas.
Our cameras have the facilities to take still digital pictures of excellent quality, these can also be monitored from separate locations within the nursery. All recordings can be saved.
Biometrics is the science of measuring a persons unique physical and behavioural characteristics.
The most common biometric technology is fingerprint identification.
For enhanced security we also have a full biometric system (fingerprint scanning) on our external and internal doors.

We are a member of the National Day Nursery Association.
National Day Nurseries Association is a national charity which aims to enhance the development and education of children in their early years, through the provision of support services to members. It seeks to develop, encourage and maintain high standards in education and care for the benefit of children, their families and their local communities.

Award winning
We are very proud of the recognition our nurseries and their team's receive, and we envision the same success in the future.
Tameside Healthy Choice Award – Gold Award
Pride of Tameside Business Awards
Business person of the year award
The Golden Apple Award - Gold Award
Top 20 rated Mid-sized Nursery Group in the UK
Ofsted Quote for one of our sites:
“The children are settled and happy in the nursery where their needs are well met and they make good progress to early learning goals . A well maintained and organised indoor and outdoor environment enables them to safety participate in a wide variety of activities and experiences.”
“A well qualified and experienced staff team and highly motivated to continually improve the quality of the provision. Management and staff work together with parents and children to continually improve outcomes for children. Effective self-evaluation identifies strengths and highlights development areas which are effectively targeted and frequently monitored to test out the impact on the quality of children’s care, learning and development.
For example, gathering information from parents about their children’s learning at home to help key workers build a fuller picture of children’s knowledge, skills and abilities , interests and preferred learning styles and help children maximise their opportunities.”
“The organisation of the premises, availability of resources and development of staff effectively support children’s learning and development whilst promoting their welfare and well-being. There is a good two way flow of information between parents, carers and the nursery to ensure appropriate support is in place for children to take a full active part in nursery life.”
One of our nurseries was open for less than 5 months when we received our first Ofsted inspection. Ofsted findings are that we are achieving GOOD (2) in all aspects of our childcare provision.
To view the Ofsted report on our nurseries click the links below:
Fire Station Day Nursery
Little Red Day Nursery
Train Station Day Nursery
Hyde Woodland Day Nursery
Boat House Day Nursery
Space Station Day Nursery
Launchpad Pre-school
Willow Green Day Nursery